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The Flame of Hope Awards spotlight individuals who exemplify ALS United Mid-Atlantic's mission through Care, Advocacy, and Research and Innovation.
These three pillars are the focus of ALS United Mid-Atlantic's work and vision every day. These recipients demonstrate the heart of the ALS cause and the progress that all of us can and will make together to provide the absolute best in compassionate care and a future that is free of ALS altogether.
in Care
ALS United Mid-Atlantic's Arthur and Lea Powell ALS Care Services Program delivers a full range of care services and programs to enhance the quality of life for 1,200 families impacted by ALS each year. This broad area includes the eastern half of Pennsylvania, central and southern New Jersey, and all of Delaware. Care programs include in-home care; medical equipment loan; assistive technology interventions; home modification, including ramping; transportation to medical appointments; and education for people with ALS, family members, and caregivers.
Progress in Research
ALS United Mid-Atlantic continually supports global research that has resulted in some of the greatest discoveries to date, including the revelation of new genes that contribute to ALS, the development of drugs that aim to slow or stop the progression of this devastating disease, and key advancements in wearable sensor and brain-computer interface technology.
Progress in Advocacy
Every year ALS United Mid-Atlantic educates state and federal policymakers about issues important to people living with ALS. Some of the notable achievements our advocacy efforts have yielded include: appropriations of nearly $1 million in combined state funding for ALS care services in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware; recognition of ALS as a service-connected disease; and elimination of the 24-month waiting period that people with ALS had to endure before receiving Medicare benefits.